

Patients of all ages struggle with a variety of skin conditions, ranging from acne to psoriasis. One skin problem that mostly affects older Americans is called pemphigoid. If you are a senior citizen who has been experiencing unexplained rashes on the skin, see Dr. Alpesh Desai and Dr. Tejas Desai at Heights Dermatology Aesthetic Center in 22 locations in Texas and North Carolina to determine if pemphigoid is your official skin diagnosis.

What Is Pemphigoid? 

Pemphigoid is a skin disease that causes blistery, irritated, and patchy rashes to develop on the skin. The blisters are sometimes filled with fluid, creating boils that can be painful to touch. It mainly affects the limbs but can also develop on large swaths of the torso. 

What Causes Pemphigoid? 

Pemphigoid outbreaks are triggered by an abnormal immune system response that targets the skin. Some experts believe that pemphigoid is a hereditary skin disorder that can run in families. It also most often shows in patients who are over the age of 60, so it may be related to aging or other medical conditions. Pemphigoid can also be triggered by certain medications.

Pemphigoid Treatments 

While pemphigoid rashes sometimes go away on their own after a while, sometimes they persist and get worse. Sometimes the blisters appear, recede, and then come back in waves. In these cases, you should get help from a skin doctor. The following are the common courses of treatment for this condition offered by your dermatologists: 

  • Apply topical steroid creams. 
  • Excise boils or growths. 
  • Review current medications to see if that may be the cause. 
  • Take more vitamin D from the sun and supplements your doctor recommends. 
  • Alter dietary consumption, reducing or eliminating the consumption of spicy peppers, alcohol, citrus, and other acidic foods. 

Clear Up Pemphigoid with Help from a Dermatologist 

You don't have to settle for the unsightly rashes and discomfort of pemphigoid. Get help from a dermatologist at Heights Dermatology Aesthetic Center in 22 locations in Texas and North Carolina, who has experience with this condition. Call today to schedule a visit with Dr. Alpesh Desai, Dr. Tejas Desai, and their team of qualified skin care providers.